Thursday, November 27, 2008

What is your Vibrational Legacy?

The dictionary defines legacy as: Something handed down from an ancestor or a predecessor or from the past. OK that works but usually we think of a legacy in terms of ancestors or our body-less friends and family members. What about our current vibrational legacy?

Last week I lost my cool with someone and went ballistic, screaming and yelling. I am not accustomed to that behavior any longer but...there it was, in my face and the face of others. During this particular energy exchange, my intuition spoke to me, warned me that this was getting ugly but rather than excuse myself, I stayed. Wrong decision! Power vs Force comes to mind. I could have walked away with my power intact but stayed to force my opinion on the other person. The outcome was far less than powerful.

If I had honored myself and left when I knew it was the right time, I could have left with my vibrational setting up in the high numbers. Allowing myself to lower my joyful vibes caused me to leave a vibrational legacy in that room that I am not proud of but taught me a valuable lesson. Leave when the vibes are high.

As I was driving away from that encounter, the phrase emotional and vibrational legacy came to me. As I thought about it, I thought about all of the people I came in contact with during the past week. What was their vibrational legacy? What did they pass on to me, what did they leave me with?

As I thought about the people who left me feeling drained, I realized that the pattern was there all along. As I thought about the people who uplifted me, added to my joy, supported me and loved me; that pattern was there all along too. So...when I recall those friends and family members, it's always positive. What is your vibrational legacy? Does it need some work?

Do you have people who call you and when you see their name on caller ID, you want to press the silence button on your phone? If there was a you can't drain me button on my phone, I would constantly push it when I see certain names. I asked myself, am I a drain or a light? It is my intention to become the light that I want to experience at the other end of the phone. I want my vibrational legacy to be one of joy, peace, laughter, support, harmony and above all love. Go ahead, call me! Try it out!

I am sending you huge hugs and smiles on this Thanksgiving Day! Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

You can't be happy all of the time - You're Right!

I bet those of you who are happy all of the time were interested in what this crazy woman has to say about not being happy all of the time. Here goes...

When I am working with a client or in passing conversation, I will often declare that our primary job on this Earth is to be happy. I get varied responses, lively discussions and negative declarations in the mix. My favorite negative declaration is "but you can't be happy all of the time", to which I reply, "You're right".

In saying that they are right, I am not agreeing with them rather I am simply stating a fact, they are right about not being happy all of the time. I don't believe that, I am just agreeing. Huge difference.

That particular person’s belief system is set up to believe that one cannot be happy all of the time. With that belief as a foundation, they constantly operate with the possibility of unhappiness at any moment, in the forefront of their mind. They are not looking for opportunities to “get” happy but instead they live by default. They allow any random thought to take hold of their consciousness.

There are many ways to deliberately choose happiness throughout your day. I've listed a few examples below. But… first you must become aware of what you are presently thinking. When you catch yourself in a downward spiral of thought, you can deliberately look around you for something that makes you happy or pop a CD in that is loaded with the music that makes your soul want to jump up and dance in the driver’s seat while you are stuck in traffic. You can call a friend who delights you each time they answer the phone. You get the drift.

An additional step is to begin to create your own personal Road to Happiness Tool Box. Take some time out of your day today to make a list of activities that require 1, 3 and 5 minutes or longer (but well worth the time) and create joy in your world.

For instance: I look for hummingbirds when I am walking outdoors, I stop the car and sit in the sun for 5 minutes with my car door open so that I can listen to my personal soundtrack (more on that in a later post), I go to lakes for a few minutes to feed the ducks (keep crackers etc. in your car if you intend to copy this one). All of the above activities take 5 minutes or less out of my day but consistently contribute to my high vibrational frequency and therefore, my happiness.

When you take a few minutes out of your day to deliberately choose what you are thinking, you are steering your mind in the direction of happiness and what you want rather than focusing on what’s wrong. You cannot control those around you or the traffic or the economy but you can control what you think which produces an outcome called worry, dread, anger, happiness, joy, anticipation, gratitude or appreciation to name a few. You choose! Get in the habit of choosing the higher vibration. Your body, mind, Spirit, family, friends and cells will thank you for it.

Five or six days a week, I hear bells playing when I pass by a particular church. I always roll my window down and turn the radio off as I pass so that I can hear the bells. (1 minute of less). Yesterday, I drove into the parking lot, got out of my car, stood directly under the bells, felt the vibration through my body and really listened to the music. (7 minutes) It was no coincidence that Amazing Grace was playing. If I had driven past without stopping, I would have missed Amazing Grace. As I neared the next intersection, the road was closed for a few minutes to allow construction trucks to pass by...would have be in line waiting rather than experiencing a joyful encounter.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Inaugural Post!! Raising my vibration.

I recently observed myself feeling like a failure... (subconscious programming) whenever I looked at my naked blog. I repeatedly told myself that I would have to begin my blog postings with a monumental, life-changing tidbit so that people would be interested enough to at least take a look. In that realization, I noticed my vibrations hovering way below the 200 mark on David Hawkin's Map of Consciousness. (Power vs. Force)

By the way, for those of you who are unfamiliar with the Map of Consciousness, below 200 is not productive. By shifting from below 200 to above 200, the levels of consciousness that you experience change from unproductive to productive. Or as it relates to The Law of Attraction, from negative to positive. Remember, you can only experience one vibration at a time, and you only have two to choose from - either positive or negative.

I chose to raise my vibration from Apathy, Fear and Pride to Willingness, Love, Joy and Peace by beginning my blog from exactly where I am at this moment. My most significant choice in this moment is willingness which calibrates at 310. In my willingness to begin, I instantly raised my Level of Consciousness from below 200 to above 300. By being willing to begin, I also experience acceptance (350),love (500), joy (540), and peace (600). So you see, even if you are totally unfamiliar with David Hawkin's work, you can follow my upward progression from an unproductive, negative feeling which produced a negative vibration to a positive, productive feeling which produced the positive vibrational field that I am experiencing at this present moment.

Now, I push the PUBLISH POST button and my blog changes from an idea that created fear in me to a cause for celebration and Joy. Here goes...