The dictionary defines legacy as: Something handed down from an ancestor or a predecessor or from the past. OK that works but usually we think of a legacy in terms of ancestors or our body-less friends and family members. What about our current vibrational legacy?
Last week I lost my cool with someone and went ballistic, screaming and yelling. I am not accustomed to that behavior any longer but...there it was, in my face and the face of others. During this particular energy exchange, my intuition spoke to me, warned me that this was getting ugly but rather than excuse myself, I stayed. Wrong decision! Power vs Force comes to mind. I could have walked away with my power intact but stayed to force my opinion on the other person. The outcome was far less than powerful.
If I had honored myself and left when I knew it was the right time, I could have left with my vibrational setting up in the high numbers. Allowing myself to lower my joyful vibes caused me to leave a vibrational legacy in that room that I am not proud of but taught me a valuable lesson. Leave when the vibes are high.
As I was driving away from that encounter, the phrase emotional and vibrational legacy came to me. As I thought about it, I thought about all of the people I came in contact with during the past week. What was their vibrational legacy? What did they pass on to me, what did they leave me with?
As I thought about the people who left me feeling drained, I realized that the pattern was there all along. As I thought about the people who uplifted me, added to my joy, supported me and loved me; that pattern was there all along too. So...when I recall those friends and family members, it's always positive. What is your vibrational legacy? Does it need some work?
Do you have people who call you and when you see their name on caller ID, you want to press the silence button on your phone? If there was a you can't drain me button on my phone, I would constantly push it when I see certain names. I asked myself, am I a drain or a light? It is my intention to become the light that I want to experience at the other end of the phone. I want my vibrational legacy to be one of joy, peace, laughter, support, harmony and above all love. Go ahead, call me! Try it out!
I am sending you huge hugs and smiles on this Thanksgiving Day! Enjoy!
1 comment:
Congrats Marcia, You have been such an inspiration and an example of a manifester. I am really excited about my life since working with you.
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