Thursday, November 13, 2008

Inaugural Post!! Raising my vibration.

I recently observed myself feeling like a failure... (subconscious programming) whenever I looked at my naked blog. I repeatedly told myself that I would have to begin my blog postings with a monumental, life-changing tidbit so that people would be interested enough to at least take a look. In that realization, I noticed my vibrations hovering way below the 200 mark on David Hawkin's Map of Consciousness. (Power vs. Force)

By the way, for those of you who are unfamiliar with the Map of Consciousness, below 200 is not productive. By shifting from below 200 to above 200, the levels of consciousness that you experience change from unproductive to productive. Or as it relates to The Law of Attraction, from negative to positive. Remember, you can only experience one vibration at a time, and you only have two to choose from - either positive or negative.

I chose to raise my vibration from Apathy, Fear and Pride to Willingness, Love, Joy and Peace by beginning my blog from exactly where I am at this moment. My most significant choice in this moment is willingness which calibrates at 310. In my willingness to begin, I instantly raised my Level of Consciousness from below 200 to above 300. By being willing to begin, I also experience acceptance (350),love (500), joy (540), and peace (600). So you see, even if you are totally unfamiliar with David Hawkin's work, you can follow my upward progression from an unproductive, negative feeling which produced a negative vibration to a positive, productive feeling which produced the positive vibrational field that I am experiencing at this present moment.

Now, I push the PUBLISH POST button and my blog changes from an idea that created fear in me to a cause for celebration and Joy. Here goes...


GwendolynJ said...

YOU DID IT! So true now you can say "yeah, I posted on my blog" instead of "I WANT to post on my blog" -- total difference of position. Sheesh! Love it. After reading, I went back to the PowervsForce chart to check where I am at in terms of my life changing decision to walk away from a business. .... (notice I said "a" business and not "my" business) .. I haven't determined if I'm apathetic or Neutral. Hmmm..

deidre said...

Marcia, You are an amazing being. Keep being you.


Linda said...

It's an excellent inaugural post! And now all of us reading it get to experience higher vibrations also ;)